Từ nối (cohesive devices) sử dụng trong phần thi IELTS Task 2 essay

Khi mở đầu bài essay, bạn có thể bắt đầu bằng:

  • Nowadays, many people believe that
  • Over the last decades
  • Most people are aware (nhận thức) that
  • Many people advocate (ủng hộ) the view that
  • On the other hand, opponents claim that
  • Opponents argue that
  • There exist strong arguments in support of both side of this debate(Có những lập luận vững chắc ủng hộ cả hai quan điểm), which implies that it is worth examming both points of view before reaching any conclusions.
  • It is common belief that
  • Money is clearly somthing which is often discussed in today's world.
  • Hardly a day goes by without the subject of money being raised in people lives
  • Clear agendas have multiple benefit

Khi cần nhấn mạnh quan điểm:

  • It is obvious that
  • Naturally
  • In fact
  • Undoubtedly

Đưa ý kiến thảo luận:

  • People argue a lot nowadays about whether
  • Furthermore,
  • Nevertheless,
  • On the whole, I believe that
  • First, second, third, last
  • From and economic standpoint
  • In addition, may people
  • It is often argued that censorship is necessary
  • In contrast, opponents of censorship point out
  • Furthermore, it is generally felt that
  • An additional advantage of education is that
  • The greatest disadvantage of censorship is that
  • Another negative aspect of censorship is that
  • One convincing argument in favour of censorship is that
  • Another drawbank of censorship is that
  • Sceptics point out that
  • There is another side to the issue
  • This is partly true
  • It is true to a certain extent

Show your impression: thể hiện ấn tượng của mình

  • As far as I am concerned
  • It makes an enduring impression on
  • The most nociceable feature of it is
  • One cannot help, but be impressed by the nature beauty
  • Without doubt, the most impressive thing is
  • The first thing one notices about
  • Undoubtedly, the thing which will dissappoint any visitor i

Compare: so sánh

  • Streers were just as narrow as they are today
  • The cottage was the same as it had been
  • The new building are considerably less or than
  • It was by far the most elegant hotel
  • The further south you travel, the warmer it becomes
  • It looks very similar to 
  • The places are alike
  • Compared with Paris, Rome is
  • On the one hand, on the other hand
  • The main difference between Rome and Paris is
  • Nevertheless, it is a cosy town
  • In contrast with winter desertion, in the summer the resort is smarming with tourists

Đưa ra quan điểm, ý kiến: give your opinion:

  • In my opinion that
  • In my opinion
  • I firmly believe that
  • I am convinced that
  • I do not agree that
  • I am inclined to believe that
  • As far as I am concerned

Cho ví dụ :Provide Examples

  • For example,
  • For instance
  • Such as
  • Particularly
  • One typical example of this is


Nêu giải pháp: Suggest solutions

  • One way to deal with the situation would be to ensure
  • Steps should also be taken to
  • A clear solutions to this problem is for the government to make sure
  • One final suggestion, which would help enormously, would be to
  • Measures should be taken in order to deal with
  • An Alternative way to solve this problem would be
  • People should focus their attention to improve the situation
  • If attempts were made to address this problem, the effect would ne that
  • The situation could be improved if they…

Đưa ra kết quả: Show the result

  • A result of her being open is that she is popular
  • She is open, therefore she is popular
  • The outcome of those measures might be
  • The effect of this would be
  • The reason she is popular is that
  • As a result, they…
  • Consequently,


Kết luận :Conclusion

  • In conclusion, it can be said that
  • Taking everything into consideration, it can be concluded that
  • To sum up, it is clear that
  • All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that
  • To conclude, it is my belief that
  • To sum up, I am convinced that
  • Taking everything into account, I therefore conclude that
  • All things considered, it can be concluded that
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